Sunday, December 11, 2011

Survival Guide For Shopping During the Holidays

Shopping can be a stressful time during this time of year. Follow these steps to help you survive the holiday shopping blues.

Step 1: Make a budget and stick to it.

Many times when we go shopping, we grab everything that we see and don't consider our budget. This is a mistake because you don't want to go into the new year with fresh debt.

Step 2: Be realistic about how much you have to spend.
If you can't afford it, DON'T buy it!

Step 3. Make a list and check it twice!

Santa's not the only one who needs a list! Make a list of everyone you want to get a gift for. On that list put what you want to get them and how much you want to spend. This way, you will have a plan of what stores to go to and what you are purchasing.

Step 4. Shop around!
When I say shop around, I don't mean actually travel to a bunch of different stores to compare prices, I mean look online. Google it! You will be able to see a range of prices and stores that offer what you want at the best price. You may even find that purchasing your item online is more feasible.

Step 5. Map out your trip.
Plan what stores you would like to go to and then map out the best route. Head over to Google maps if you need to. You can add multiple destinations and map the shortest route. With gas prices being so expensive, you don't want to waste gas and money. Also, you'll be more eco-friendly by conserving gas!

Step 6. Plan ahead!
You don't want to wait until the last minute to get your shopping done. Being caught in a crowd of people fighting over the same item is no fun!

Step 7: Plan for backup!
Always have a backup plan. This way if you can't find an item that you are looking for, you can just purchase something else! No use in stressing about it!

Step 8: Buy online.
Online shopping is the way to go if you are pressed for time or can't get to a store. A great place to start is Amazon. There are many great deals and multiple sellers so that you can get the best deal!

Step 9: Never shop on an empty stomach!
This is the easiest way to spend more than you planned and increase your waistline. Either plan a time to eat during your shopping trip or eat before you head out. Also, you want to have a clear head while shopping and many times people don't think straight on an empty stomach!

Step 10: No Bebe's Kids allowed!
Leave the kids at home (if you can). Shopping is much more enjoyable and more efficient when the munchkins are left at home. We all love them dearly but "Mommy, I have to go potty" and "Mommy, I'm hungry" is going to slow you down.

Step 11: Relax, Relate, Release!
It's just shopping! Don't let it be stressful, let it be fun! If you encounter a bad attitude along the way, just know that they didn't get the memo on the "Survival Guide For Shopping During the Holidays!" :-)

Happy Shopping!

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